Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is There a Tony Stark in My Daughter's Future?

In my last post I mentioned that my 4-year-old daughter apparently has a penchant for bad boys and promise the story in a later post. Here it is. All names have been changed.

One day as we were driving home from daycare, The Punkin announced "I'm going to marry Tony and Rhodey."

"Well," I respond, "Marriages usually work better if you choose just one."

Silence. I think I confused her, possibly because one of her grandmothers has had three husbands. I decide to take a different tack.

"Which one are you going to marry first?" This one she can answer.

"Tony," she replies without missing a beat. Poor Rhodey. Or maybe poor Tony. He's apparently going to be the starter husband.

The next morning I repeat this story to the daycare director, who also happens to be Rhodey's mother.

"Oh no," Ms. Rhodes commisserates. "Those are the two who give their teacher the most trouble. They are always into something."

Perhaps this is just a warning salvo. A heads-up at the age of 4 so that we can be on our toes when she's a teenager.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

When Iron Man met Batgirl

It's been a while since I've posted. A long while... A long, long while... There's many reasons, but that's not the point of this post. So, I'll just jump right in to my story.

The Punkin came home from daycare yesterday with a picture she had drawn. Now, she's 4 and is getting pretty good at stick figures and she even draws a recognizable car, but this particular picture was a mash of green, red and black scribbles.

"I draw this for you," she announced and handed it to me. I looked at it, told her how good it was and I was promptly informed that it was upside down. I turn it right side up and ask her to tell me the story that's in the picture.

"It's Iron Man," she says. For someone who's never seen the movie and can't read comic books yet, she's fascinated with Iron Man. Or maybe it's Tony Stark. I'll have to post later about her apparent liking for bad boys. But that's a post for another time. Back to this story... I say "how cool". Then, she adds, "And Batgirl."

"I have the coolest daughter ever!" I say, genuinely pleased that she's drawing superheroes. Her dad just shakes her head and mumbles something about "mixing universes".

"What are they doing?" I prompt her and for a moment I'm expecting her to say something like "getting married."

"Fighting bad guys," she says.

That's my girl.