Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Brake for Chupacabras

As further proof of my dorkiness, let me introduce you to one of my favorite xenocreatures. The Chupacabra.

I got excited when I saw an internet story about the latest possible sighting of a chupacabra. A television station in San Antonio recently ran a story about a possible chupacabra corpse. I'll warn you before you click on it, it's pretty gross looking. It actually looks more like a mummified raccoon than the mythical descriptions of the chupacabra, but, hey, who knows what the DNA will come back as?

Do I really want a chupacabra to be found? That's like asking if I want the Loch Ness Monster or a Yeti to be found. One one hand, seeing proof that these creatures exist would be fascinating. One the other hand, these animals would become so hunted and harassed that it may be better for them to remain 'undiscovered'.

One creature I would certainly like to see researchers find is a Thylacine someday. Also known as the Tasmanian Tiger, the Thylacine was the modern world's largest carniverous marsupial. The last known Thylacine died in captivity in 1936, but reported sightings have continued until the current day.

Unlike the chupacabra, Yeti/Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster , the Thylacine is an actual, scientifically validated animal. If a small population could be found in the wilds of Tasmania, it would be the equivalent of bringing the animal back from extinction. And with all the ecological problems in the world today, that would be a cause to celebrate.

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