Tuesday, January 5, 2010

If you write it, they will come

So it occurs to me last night that it's not exactly a blog if you don't write in it. HaHa...but you already knew that.

I want some followers. I don't want a lot. I don't harbor any dreams of being the next big thing and influencing the world, but I do want a handful of people who think I'm interesting enough to stop by every few days to see what I'm up to. I have one follower right now, but she's a friend, so I think it's a pity-follow. ;-)

But if I'm going to seek followers, then I must uphold my end of the bargain and write... on a regular basis... about semi-interesting things... or uninteresting things in an interesting manner. So that's my new year's resolution. ha ha ... how vague is that?

And as an encouragement (to me, to you, to the world?) I'll do a giveaway when I get to a dozen followers. Nothing big, but just something to celebrate getting a dozen people to listen to me. Just, when it finally happens, someone remind me that I said this. It might take a while to get there.

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